Yes It is really a huge cake.Infact record breaker cake.It is biggest cake in singapore .I coudnot take picture from one end to another. wow wow!!!!!
And i m very happy to be part of that cake making and designing team

on one side there r english letters and on another side there r arabic letters.In the middele of both letters it is number 100.Yes, it is the age of the person for whom we made this huuuuuuuuuuggee cake.

tried to take picture of whole cake.

It is really a huge cake.It weighted 250 kg.Yes it is.And dimension of the cake is 6.1m x 1.6m x 0.08m.

I m very happy to make some of this english letters and some of arabic letters.we made it from rolled fondant.

Here r arabic letters.

what a pretty work !!!!!!!!!

process of making letters.